Welcome to St. Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family Parish! We are excited to help you with the music for your wedding!
St. Augustine thought that our singing God's praises had double the effect as our normal spoken prayer! With that in mind, the music at your wedding should give voice to the prayer of your heart: to the love and gratitude you have for your spouse, family, friends, and most of all for God. On this page, you will find a number of resources that we hope will make the process of music planning fun and easy. Here are the basic steps in the process:
Feel free to contact us by email at anytime if you have questions.
Mrs. Kathleen Kanaley (St. Anthony Church)
Mrs. Kari Fietek (St. Elizabeth Seton Church/St. Joseph Chapel)
Mrs. Barbara Leighton (St. Patrick Church/St. Thomas Chapel)
Director of Music Ministry
St. Anthony Church
(organ & piano)
Director of Music Ministry
St. Elizabeth Church &
St. Joseph Chapel
(organ & piano)
Director of Music Ministry
St. Patrick Church &
St. Thomas Chapel
(organ & piano)
St. Joseph Parish's Music Directors work with a number of musicians to provide high quality music for your wedding. Musicians are contacted by the Music Directors, not by the couple marrying. You are welcome to invite a family friend musician provided the Music Director is able to meet with them and approves of their participation. Our musicians include:
Anna McEntee
Allison Messier
Abbey Saba
Emily Saba
Flute and Voice
Mary Beth Knox
Harp and Voice
Katie Koglin
Shawn Verfaillie
Tom Borning
Korey Charles
Joe Hayes